Friday 28 September 2012

First ever blog!!

Hi everybody, 

My name's Paola Kolic and I'm a BAPP (also known as "BA Honours Professional Practice (Arts) --> that's why it's just called BAPP ;) ) student at Middlesex University. And as you can see, this is my first ever blog and blog post. 

To be honest, I don't really know what to write on hee yet but hopefully, with time, I'll get used to it :). 

Anyways, it's kind of late now so I'll head to bed but I'm pretty to get started on this blog and to fill it with some interesting, fun, entertaining and, well, just awesome stuff!! 

Good night everyone,



  1. Hello Paola - good to see your start and your enthusiasm for the course. Have you ticked the box for followers in your design template? Have a little look around - you are now up on the Libguide.

  2. Hi Paola! Great to see you here on the course! Let me know if you have any questions, Emily x

  3. Hey Emily!! Yeah, Im really excited to get started now. I'll probably take on that offer at some point :)! Hope everything's going well in Spain, Paola x
